Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Seriously- it's SO outrageously hot that I spent an hour in the grocery store!  I just couldn't bear the thought of going OUTside and back in to the heat.  I know it sounds dramatic, I recognize that, BUT when you are either walking slowly or carrying a toddler, it feels THAT much hotter! 

We need some rain so badly- it's actually so dry here that our tree in the front yard is dried up- it kept hitting the electrical line and CATCHING FIRE and fallin in our yard which started a mini-fire.  Our sweet neighbor saw the above mentioned mini fire and ran over to put it out with our hose.  Please Lord, let us get some rain. 

I know a blog post on the heat makes me sound 90 years old but it's just too hot to think of something else to write about!

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