I've gotten in to a really good routine of getting up before everyone else each morning and having a quiet time. It's been a great way to start my day, with my focus where it needs to be, and I love the still quietness of my house. It's my time to really talk with God and read His Word before the day gets crazy.
This week I've been focusing on the Proverbs 31 woman. I've read it so many times before and always thought, "yeah, that's a great example of a Godly woman". But this week, I've really read it slowly and asked God to speak to me through these verses. I've been amazed each day at something new that has stood out to me.
The main thing that I feel like God has shown me through this weeks reading is the end of the chapter where it talks about the wife of noble character being filled with wisdom and having faithful instruction on her tongue. Faithful instruction? Wisdom? Not nagging comments, gossip, or gripes. Faithful instruction. Filled with wisdom.
This is the kind of Godly woman I long to be. One filled with God's wisdom. A loving wife with a servants heart. A gentle but firm mother that trains up her children in the ways of the Lord. A loyal friend that is quick to listen and slow to speak.
God has really shown me this week how quick I am to offer a gripe or complaint, how impatient I can be with others, and how most of my "instructions" wouldn't be considered faithful. I love that He is bringing this to my attention and is faithful to lead us on a path that brings us closer to Him.
A wife of noble character, worth far more than rubies. She laughs at the days to come.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
It's been back to school for me this week. Inservice started and it's always a week of craziness trying to get back in the swing of things. Luckily, Rob has been home so he's had a lot of extra QT with miss Lizzy! I must say, I got a big old dose of what Rob has felt every day- driving off to work while the other parent plans out a fun day ahead with L. I'll admit to crying in the car several mornings! Even though it's only a few short hours each day, it's hard knowing that school starting means less time with my favorite little person!
Lizzy has started to really get in to dancing lately. It's absolutely HILARIOUS! Whenever she hears music she stoops down really low and bounces up and down tothe beat her own beat! Oh to have the flexibility of a one year old and to be able to get back up with such ease!
She was especially interested in the Concert on the Plaza on the Today Show this morning. Every Friday during the summer they have live music and this morning was Enrique Iglesias. Lizzy was waving at him when he came on the TV and then he started up with the music and she was in full swing dance mode. I was just glad she didn't pick up any of Enrique's moves! We aren't quite ready for that just yet........
Lizzy has started to really get in to dancing lately. It's absolutely HILARIOUS! Whenever she hears music she stoops down really low and bounces up and down to
She was especially interested in the Concert on the Plaza on the Today Show this morning. Every Friday during the summer they have live music and this morning was Enrique Iglesias. Lizzy was waving at him when he came on the TV and then he started up with the music and she was in full swing dance mode. I was just glad she didn't pick up any of Enrique's moves! We aren't quite ready for that just yet........
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
18 Months
How in the world is my baby girl 18 months old? I know parents ALWAYS say this, but it's true, it seems like she was just a little bitty baby. Now she's a walking talking toddler that I can't get enough of. I don't remember what life was like without her and thank God so much for choosing us as her parents!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Seriously- it's SO outrageously hot that I spent an hour in the grocery store! I just couldn't bear the thought of going OUTside and back in to the heat. I know it sounds dramatic, I recognize that, BUT when you are either walking slowly or carrying a toddler, it feels THAT much hotter!
We need some rain so badly- it's actually so dry here that our tree in the front yard is dried up- it kept hitting the electrical line and CATCHING FIRE and fallin in our yard which started a mini-fire. Our sweet neighbor saw the above mentioned mini fire and ran over to put it out with our hose. Please Lord, let us get some rain.
I know a blog post on the heat makes me sound 90 years old but it's just too hot to think of something else to write about!
We need some rain so badly- it's actually so dry here that our tree in the front yard is dried up- it kept hitting the electrical line and CATCHING FIRE and fallin in our yard which started a mini-fire. Our sweet neighbor saw the above mentioned mini fire and ran over to put it out with our hose. Please Lord, let us get some rain.
I know a blog post on the heat makes me sound 90 years old but it's just too hot to think of something else to write about!
Monday, August 1, 2011
He Provides
It never ceases to amaze me how God provides. I don't know why I continue to doubt and get all worried and anxious- He's provided for our every need, every time and yet I always worry over situations as if I just have NO idea how it could ever work out. When will I learn? How many times does He have to prove Himself to me?
This past year was my first year of working part time. Most of you know, I work several different jobs in order to be able to do my favorite job full time- being a Mom! It's been a year of amazement for us in how God not only has provided for our every need, He's provided most, if not all, of our wants too. We knew how much all of these different incomes needed to amount to and God knew too. He is faithful.
My thoughts on this stem from our most recent provision. I had asked the girls in my Bible study to please pray that I would get some real estate business. It's summer, school's out, and I had extra time on my hands to be working as a realtor.
The girls prayed and that weekend I did phone duty for my real estate company. Usually phone duty is not very productive and to be honest, can be a waste of weekend time. I don't do it very often. However, that weekend I signed up. I only got three calls all weekend. BUT, one of them wanted to see a Nix listing. Unfortunately, it was already under contract. I offered to send her some others to look at, and she called the next day to go see three. She fell in love with one of them and three days later put in an offer. We closed Friday. It was a totally unexpected blessing and complete provision on His part.
Even as I write this I notice my word choice above- "totally unexpected" and I go back to my original thought- why would I NOT expect God to provide for us? Would He really do any less? Never.
This past year was my first year of working part time. Most of you know, I work several different jobs in order to be able to do my favorite job full time- being a Mom! It's been a year of amazement for us in how God not only has provided for our every need, He's provided most, if not all, of our wants too. We knew how much all of these different incomes needed to amount to and God knew too. He is faithful.
My thoughts on this stem from our most recent provision. I had asked the girls in my Bible study to please pray that I would get some real estate business. It's summer, school's out, and I had extra time on my hands to be working as a realtor.
The girls prayed and that weekend I did phone duty for my real estate company. Usually phone duty is not very productive and to be honest, can be a waste of weekend time. I don't do it very often. However, that weekend I signed up. I only got three calls all weekend. BUT, one of them wanted to see a Nix listing. Unfortunately, it was already under contract. I offered to send her some others to look at, and she called the next day to go see three. She fell in love with one of them and three days later put in an offer. We closed Friday. It was a totally unexpected blessing and complete provision on His part.
Even as I write this I notice my word choice above- "totally unexpected" and I go back to my original thought- why would I NOT expect God to provide for us? Would He really do any less? Never.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tonight we went to dinner with Mimi at a quaint Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. They had live music and the singer played "Just the Way you Look Tonight". At that very moment, Lizzy was quietly playing Peek a Boo with us using the tablecloth to hide her face. One of us would ask "where's Lizzy??" and she'd pull back the tablecloth to reveal her face with the most gigantic smile you've ever seen. I thought to myself, "freeze".
I wanted to freeze that moment in time and remember, just as the song that was playing says, "just the way you look tonight". That precious smile that lights up her face. She sheer delight at a simple game of Peek a Boo. The pride on her daddy's face. The adoration on her Mimi's. It wasn't any kind of big to do or grand celebration, just a casual dinner but one that ended with a moment that will forever be a snapshot in my mind.
"Freeze"- I don't want her to grow up. Don't want to face the inevitable milestones to come that mean she's growing up- sending her off to preschool, Kindergarten, facing friendship issues and catty girl problems. I want her to forever stay that joyful little girl with soft curls and hairbows that delights herself in a game with a tablecloth.
I wanted to freeze that moment in time and remember, just as the song that was playing says, "just the way you look tonight". That precious smile that lights up her face. She sheer delight at a simple game of Peek a Boo. The pride on her daddy's face. The adoration on her Mimi's. It wasn't any kind of big to do or grand celebration, just a casual dinner but one that ended with a moment that will forever be a snapshot in my mind.
"Freeze"- I don't want her to grow up. Don't want to face the inevitable milestones to come that mean she's growing up- sending her off to preschool, Kindergarten, facing friendship issues and catty girl problems. I want her to forever stay that joyful little girl with soft curls and hairbows that delights herself in a game with a tablecloth.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Outlet Trip
Today we headed to the outlet malls to meet up with my aunt/uncle and three cousins that were in town from Dallas. We hadn't seen them in a while and Lizzy absolutely loved all of the attention! She is a girl after her Mama's own heart- she loves nothing more than a day with the girls out shopping and having lunch. Apples don't fall far from the tree!
Unlike her Mommy, Lizzy has developed quite a sense of style for herself. The crazier and more dramatic the better! Why wear only one bow when you could fit several on your head? One outfit on at a time is just boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the layered look in cool weather but wearing PJs over your shorts/tshirt in 102* weather is just not gonna work! Today in one of the stores, Lizzy was walking around and looking as she was carefully selecting every crazy colored piece of clothing in the store! She would bring it up to me and hold it close to her chest and hug it as if to say, "Oh Mommy, I just HAVE to have this one, I love it SO much". She can't even talk in phrases but thus it begins.....
Unlike her Mommy, Lizzy has developed quite a sense of style for herself. The crazier and more dramatic the better! Why wear only one bow when you could fit several on your head? One outfit on at a time is just boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the layered look in cool weather but wearing PJs over your shorts/tshirt in 102* weather is just not gonna work! Today in one of the stores, Lizzy was walking around and looking as she was carefully selecting every crazy colored piece of clothing in the store! She would bring it up to me and hold it close to her chest and hug it as if to say, "Oh Mommy, I just HAVE to have this one, I love it SO much". She can't even talk in phrases but thus it begins.....
Monday, July 25, 2011
Productive Day
Well it definitely helps to blog about your goals and then hit "publish" to the Internet! I was held accountable and accomplished a LOT on my clean out project today. Many thanks to my sweet mom for entertaining my "assistant" while I worked fast and furious! I still have two closets to go but have already finished 3. Over half way! Woohoo! I'll be ready for a garage sale when the cooler weather finally arrives.
Tonight I got out of the house for a little bit and went to Bible study. I was SO looking forward to it all day. It always refreshes me and as much as I love my precious family, I enjoy the hour and a half of "me time" where I can learn more about God's word without distractions.
Tonight's lesson was on Quiet Times. I have recently been committed to my quiet time and was so glad to get new ideas to incorporate. I find that first thing in the morning is the best time for me to do this. It's amazing how God has been continually waking me up at 6:30 so I can spend the time with Him before everyone else stirs. It amazes me that the Lord gives me the energy throughout the day to keep getting up earlier. I LOVE to sleep and it's hard for me to pull myself out of bed. But, I am such a better wife and mommy when I do. Having those moments with God first thing sets my attitude in the right direction- I can't promise I stay there all day (or even for 5 minutes some days) but it's the best chance I've got. I've seen Him answer my prayers too many times not to think this worthwhile.
Tonight I got out of the house for a little bit and went to Bible study. I was SO looking forward to it all day. It always refreshes me and as much as I love my precious family, I enjoy the hour and a half of "me time" where I can learn more about God's word without distractions.
Tonight's lesson was on Quiet Times. I have recently been committed to my quiet time and was so glad to get new ideas to incorporate. I find that first thing in the morning is the best time for me to do this. It's amazing how God has been continually waking me up at 6:30 so I can spend the time with Him before everyone else stirs. It amazes me that the Lord gives me the energy throughout the day to keep getting up earlier. I LOVE to sleep and it's hard for me to pull myself out of bed. But, I am such a better wife and mommy when I do. Having those moments with God first thing sets my attitude in the right direction- I can't promise I stay there all day (or even for 5 minutes some days) but it's the best chance I've got. I've seen Him answer my prayers too many times not to think this worthwhile.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Summer Vacation
IS ALMOST OVER and I have not come anywhere near finishing my house clean out project! In fact, it really just started TODAY- what have I been doing ALL SUMMER? In my defense, we started off the summer with our house for sale. Now that's off the market and we've decided to stay here I am looking at it with new purpose- CLEAN OUT CLOSETS and make better use of the space we have. We have more than enough space for our small family. So, I'm throwing down the gauntlet with myself- I will not rest until the job is complete. I made good progress today thanks to my sweet mom. Everything WILL have a place and it will stay in it's place. I'm sure that no one cares to read about this but I have to publish my mission to the Internet and then it's "real". There's no turning back now.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I can't believe June is already almost over! Where did it go? We've been so busy, summer is just passing us by. Lizzy and I have set a goal that we (and I mean, me) will accomplish one house project every day. Some days we do small projects like changing out all of the burned out ceiling lightbulbs and somedays we clean out Daddy's toolshed (now THAT was an act of love). Having a project every day helps me to work through my To-Do list because I could very easily sit down and play and read with Lizzy all day and not accomplish one thing!
We've been doing some swimming trying to beat this outrageous heat. Our sweet friends have been so nice to let us come over and let Lizzy swim in their pool. Lizzy loves swimming but she is really excited about the Goldfish snack that this special friend leaves out for her. Here's a picture of Lizzy wanting to help water the flowers at our friends house:
We've been doing some swimming trying to beat this outrageous heat. Our sweet friends have been so nice to let us come over and let Lizzy swim in their pool. Lizzy loves swimming but she is really excited about the Goldfish snack that this special friend leaves out for her. Here's a picture of Lizzy wanting to help water the flowers at our friends house:
In other not so worthy news, tomorrow is my 30th birthday. I can remember thinking that 30 sounded so OLD. Now that I'm actually here, I don't think there's anything old about 30. In fact, I think this will be my best decade yet. God has blessed me with so much. I have a wonderful husband and a precious child- what more could I want?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Summer is finally here and ohhhh how great it is! I am LOVING every minute of my full day with precious Lizzy. This time with her is such a blessing. She is such a little person now and is fun to be around!
Lizzy is 16 months old today and is 100% all girl. She's very in to hair bows and shoes right now. She spends her day wanting to switch bows, add another on the other side, or change shoes. It is very disappointing to her that she can only wear two shoes at a time! It is very scary for her Daddy to see her already this in to accessories!
This was really our first true week of vacation. We've been going on a daily hour long walk with Mimi every morning to get in some exercise to start our day. Then Lizzy and I have been doing at least one house project every day. We are working on cleaning out, straightening up, etc. Lizzy can be an excellent helper but is most helpful when she takes a long afternoon nap so Mommy can work a little faster!
We are looking forward to more summer fun to come! Tomorrow we are going to work on a Father's Day project for Daddy!
Lizzy is 16 months old today and is 100% all girl. She's very in to hair bows and shoes right now. She spends her day wanting to switch bows, add another on the other side, or change shoes. It is very disappointing to her that she can only wear two shoes at a time! It is very scary for her Daddy to see her already this in to accessories!
This was really our first true week of vacation. We've been going on a daily hour long walk with Mimi every morning to get in some exercise to start our day. Then Lizzy and I have been doing at least one house project every day. We are working on cleaning out, straightening up, etc. Lizzy can be an excellent helper but is most helpful when she takes a long afternoon nap so Mommy can work a little faster!
We are looking forward to more summer fun to come! Tomorrow we are going to work on a Father's Day project for Daddy!
Monday, May 9, 2011
15 Months
Our sweet Lizzy is fifteen months old today! She had a great checkup with Dr Fitch and took her three shots like a champ- she cried for about 20 seconds, shot the nurse a dirty look, and then she was over it! She weighs 21 lbs and 13 ounces (30th %) and is 30 and 3/4 inches long (70th %).
For the past few nights Lizzy has had a really hard time going to bed- imagine 1.5+ hours of screaming- NON STOP! Each night I've waited it out for the first 35-45 minutes then gone in to try soothing her. It's ultimately ended each night with my driving her around in the car until she fell asleep. I could tell her molars coming in were really bothering her (she was pulling on her ears, grabbing her cheeks, running low fever, not eating much, etc). But, the bedtime situation was quickly escalating out of control. Gas prices are just too high to drive around that long! So, when we saw Dr Fitch today and she had a clean bill of health- no ear infections, sore throat, etc, he suggested Lizzy might be enjoying her nightly car ride touring the neighborhood a little too much.
I felt the best solution was a change in the routine- someone else needed to put her to bed- someone she knows means business. So, when Rob got home I explained his assignment for the night and he went straight to work "creating the scene" for the "perfect bedtime" routine. His routine did take a little longer than I thought was a good idea but, who am I to judge- my routine was clearly not working! When Rob left her room, there was screaming (LOUD SCREAMING) for a total of 12 minutes. TWELVE MINUTES compared to my NINETY! So, Rob, who now prefers to go by the Baby Whisperer" is planning to author a book on raising children. We can all look forward to that one!
On a different note, we had a great family weekend together and loved celebrating our Mimi and Honey yesterday! What a blessing our moms are to us and how honored I am that God chose me to be Lizzy's mommy. It's changed my life in a way I never could have imagined.
On that happy note- tonight at Bible study one of our good friends announced she's pregnant!!!!! We'd prayed so hard for a baby for them and she is now 3.5 months along!!! What a blessing and true testimony to God's abounding love for us! "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4
Ps- one more pic from this weekend- we had my cousin Elizabeth in town and she came to ride the train with us!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Busy Day
Lizzy and I had the best day together! We had a good long walk with our friend Lib this morning and during our walk Lizzy fell asleep for a quick nap. Since she slept this morning, I knew her afternoon nap would start later so I took the opportunity to pack her up and we headed to the Outlet mall! We needed a couple of things and wanted to look around at the J Crew while we were there.
I never had any doubts but it was 100% clear today that Lizzy is my child! She LOVED the outlet mall! She was so happy to be strolled while she ate her lunch and looked around at all of the people. We stayed for almost two hours and there wasn't an unhappy sound from her at all.
We headed home and played a little bit and then she took a good long afternoon nap. As soon as she woke up we headed over to see Mimi who had been out of town all weekend. To top off our great day, Aunt Lizzy came over for dinner!
It continues to amaze me what a little person Lizzy has become. She was eating up all of the attention the store ladies were giving her and she'd wave "bye bye" to each of them as we left.
As far as the house goes, still no bites. Neither Rob, nor I, am worried about it. We'd love to move to the house we've picked out but know that it's not something we want to push God's timing. We are awaiting His plan and will see where that leads us.
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for checking in on us!
I never had any doubts but it was 100% clear today that Lizzy is my child! She LOVED the outlet mall! She was so happy to be strolled while she ate her lunch and looked around at all of the people. We stayed for almost two hours and there wasn't an unhappy sound from her at all.
We headed home and played a little bit and then she took a good long afternoon nap. As soon as she woke up we headed over to see Mimi who had been out of town all weekend. To top off our great day, Aunt Lizzy came over for dinner!
It continues to amaze me what a little person Lizzy has become. She was eating up all of the attention the store ladies were giving her and she'd wave "bye bye" to each of them as we left.
As far as the house goes, still no bites. Neither Rob, nor I, am worried about it. We'd love to move to the house we've picked out but know that it's not something we want to push God's timing. We are awaiting His plan and will see where that leads us.
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for checking in on us!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Pic
And Lizzy playing in her sand/water table she got for early Easter!
Today was one of my favorite days with Lizzy. She didn't sleep great last night (but I did see today she broke the skin of three new teeth last night so that could explain it!!!) but she LOVED Easter. I'm embarrassed to admit that we took her to the church nursery for the very first time today. She's gone to "big church" with us but is now at an age where sitting still and quiet for more than 1.5 minutes is not an option. So, she went to the nursery.
I was a little apprehensive about how it would go. She been very clingy lately, and I wasn't sure she'd like Sunday school once she realized Rob and I weren't staying. But, Lizzy walked in that room like she'd been there every Sunday of her life. Didn't shed one tear as we left! In fact, when we picked her up she tried to wiggle free to go back in and play some more. I couldn't be more thrilled.
As soon as we left church we met Mimi and Uncle Gates at the Argyle for lunch. Lizzy loved visiting with the Easter bunny and getting her picture taken. However, she didn't quite get the whole concept of picking up the eggs during the egg hunt. She was much more interested in what all of the other children were doing (she didn't seem to notice that what the other children were doing was picking up eggs!!!). Lizzy had a great lunch with my family and especially enjoyed the cheesy potatoes (she also decided to condition her hair with them as well).
After a nap we met Honey and GDaddy up at the SACC to go swimming. Sweet Aunt Lizzy even came up too. Lizzy was very excited to get to show off her "swimming skills" (aka: splashing in the water, getting in and out of the baby pool 100 times, etc). Her grandparents were so sweet to come out to watch her.
Lastly, we finished off our very busy day with an engagement party for our good friends Helen and Paul! They got engaged on Friday and everyone's been waiting for this for so long that we couldn't wait to throw a party!! I happened to have set Helen and Paul up on their first date so we weren't about to miss this celebration! Even Lizzy came along! We tried to teach her for her first word to be "FINALLY" to say to Paul but she didn't go for it! Just teasing!
Sweet Lizzy was so worn out when we got home she could barely sit up to get her PJs on. I know she will sleep well tonight and so will her Mommy. It was such a great day. Very busy and exhausting but my sweet little girl looked so precious in her Easter dress with her baby pearls on. She looked so cute with her Easter basket, running around the house. She was so excited but didn't really know why. Seeing the joy of a child can't be beat. It melted my heart. It really hit me today to think that Christ feels that for each of us, but even more than we could ever imagine.
I was a little apprehensive about how it would go. She been very clingy lately, and I wasn't sure she'd like Sunday school once she realized Rob and I weren't staying. But, Lizzy walked in that room like she'd been there every Sunday of her life. Didn't shed one tear as we left! In fact, when we picked her up she tried to wiggle free to go back in and play some more. I couldn't be more thrilled.
As soon as we left church we met Mimi and Uncle Gates at the Argyle for lunch. Lizzy loved visiting with the Easter bunny and getting her picture taken. However, she didn't quite get the whole concept of picking up the eggs during the egg hunt. She was much more interested in what all of the other children were doing (she didn't seem to notice that what the other children were doing was picking up eggs!!!). Lizzy had a great lunch with my family and especially enjoyed the cheesy potatoes (she also decided to condition her hair with them as well).
After a nap we met Honey and GDaddy up at the SACC to go swimming. Sweet Aunt Lizzy even came up too. Lizzy was very excited to get to show off her "swimming skills" (aka: splashing in the water, getting in and out of the baby pool 100 times, etc). Her grandparents were so sweet to come out to watch her.
Lastly, we finished off our very busy day with an engagement party for our good friends Helen and Paul! They got engaged on Friday and everyone's been waiting for this for so long that we couldn't wait to throw a party!! I happened to have set Helen and Paul up on their first date so we weren't about to miss this celebration! Even Lizzy came along! We tried to teach her for her first word to be "FINALLY" to say to Paul but she didn't go for it! Just teasing!
Sweet Lizzy was so worn out when we got home she could barely sit up to get her PJs on. I know she will sleep well tonight and so will her Mommy. It was such a great day. Very busy and exhausting but my sweet little girl looked so precious in her Easter dress with her baby pearls on. She looked so cute with her Easter basket, running around the house. She was so excited but didn't really know why. Seeing the joy of a child can't be beat. It melted my heart. It really hit me today to think that Christ feels that for each of us, but even more than we could ever imagine.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Renewed Effort
So I am making a renewed effort to actually write on the blog more than once every three months or so! I love the idea of using the blog as a way to share with family and friends what is going on in our lives as well as have a record for myself of all the great things God is doing in our lives and His faithfulness.
Lizzy is turning 14 months old this week. I truly wonder where the time has gone! She is such a little PERSON now with definite likes and dislikes. She finds some things funny and some things annoying. She has facial expressions to match all of her feelings! She's starting to walk and couldn't be more proud of every step she takes. We jokingly call her "Lizzy the Lion" and when we do, she literally makes a roaring sound. She thinks it is hilarious (and we do too)! I can't wait for her to start talking- I want to know what is going on in that little head of hers!
Rob has been busy with all of the upcoming Fiesta events. "Each recurring springtime..."! He works so hard on his real job; I admire his willingness to take on so much else. I know it's been hard on him lately not being as home as often as he'd like to see Lizzy. But, Fiesta will be over soon, and we'll be back to normal (aka boring) around here!
We decided a few weeks ago to put our house on the market. We've had lots of showings but no offers yet. I am praying for God's will to be done and that if it's supposed to sell, it will be in His timing, not mine. His timing always works out so much better.
All in all, we are doing well. I write this with a thankful heart tonight.
Lizzy is turning 14 months old this week. I truly wonder where the time has gone! She is such a little PERSON now with definite likes and dislikes. She finds some things funny and some things annoying. She has facial expressions to match all of her feelings! She's starting to walk and couldn't be more proud of every step she takes. We jokingly call her "Lizzy the Lion" and when we do, she literally makes a roaring sound. She thinks it is hilarious (and we do too)! I can't wait for her to start talking- I want to know what is going on in that little head of hers!
Rob has been busy with all of the upcoming Fiesta events. "Each recurring springtime..."! He works so hard on his real job; I admire his willingness to take on so much else. I know it's been hard on him lately not being as home as often as he'd like to see Lizzy. But, Fiesta will be over soon, and we'll be back to normal (aka boring) around here!
We decided a few weeks ago to put our house on the market. We've had lots of showings but no offers yet. I am praying for God's will to be done and that if it's supposed to sell, it will be in His timing, not mine. His timing always works out so much better.
All in all, we are doing well. I write this with a thankful heart tonight.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
It's Been Awhile...
So, it's been awhile since I've updated! A LONG while! So much has been going on; there just doesn't ever seem like there's time. But, I am making it a goal to keep up with things better!
I was going to write about Christmas but thought I should wait until I can upload the pics to go with it. So, instead, here's a brief update on Lizzy:
She is almost 11 months old (next Sunday). She is close to walking but not there quite yet- loves to cruise around the coffee table. She has said "Dada" twice- we are working on getting her to keep saying it! I know when she's ready she will have plenty to say- just like her Mommy!
She loves books. During every bottle we look at books together- it is funny though because she very much has an opinion on which books we look at first, next, and so forth- she refuses to eat until I hold up the "right" book that she's thinking of- it can be tricky to read her mind but I love that she enjoys books so much!
Today was an especially fun day- Lizzy and I drove up to Austin to meet my best friend from college (Megan) and her mom and daughter. It was a gorgeous day- Lizzy slept during both car rides the whole way up and back- and we had a great lunch catching up. Megan lives in N Carolina so our visits are far too infrequent. It was so great to get to see her; I wish it could be more often!
That's all for now. Off to bed before school starts again tomorrow! Here's a recent picture of Lizzy. Promise to blog soon about Christmas!
I was going to write about Christmas but thought I should wait until I can upload the pics to go with it. So, instead, here's a brief update on Lizzy:
She is almost 11 months old (next Sunday). She is close to walking but not there quite yet- loves to cruise around the coffee table. She has said "Dada" twice- we are working on getting her to keep saying it! I know when she's ready she will have plenty to say- just like her Mommy!
She loves books. During every bottle we look at books together- it is funny though because she very much has an opinion on which books we look at first, next, and so forth- she refuses to eat until I hold up the "right" book that she's thinking of- it can be tricky to read her mind but I love that she enjoys books so much!
Today was an especially fun day- Lizzy and I drove up to Austin to meet my best friend from college (Megan) and her mom and daughter. It was a gorgeous day- Lizzy slept during both car rides the whole way up and back- and we had a great lunch catching up. Megan lives in N Carolina so our visits are far too infrequent. It was so great to get to see her; I wish it could be more often!
That's all for now. Off to bed before school starts again tomorrow! Here's a recent picture of Lizzy. Promise to blog soon about Christmas!
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