Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I can't believe June is already almost over!  Where did it go?  We've been so busy, summer is just passing us by.  Lizzy and I have set a goal that we (and I mean, me) will accomplish one house project every day.  Some days we do small projects like changing out all of the burned out ceiling lightbulbs and somedays we clean out Daddy's toolshed (now THAT was an act of love).  Having a project every day helps me to work through my To-Do list because I could very easily sit down and play and read with Lizzy all day and not accomplish one thing! 

We've been doing some swimming trying to beat this outrageous heat.  Our sweet friends have been so nice to let us come over and let Lizzy swim in their pool.  Lizzy loves swimming but she is really excited about the Goldfish snack that this special friend leaves out for her.  Here's a picture of Lizzy wanting to help water the flowers at our friends house:

In other not so worthy news, tomorrow is my 30th birthday.  I can remember thinking that 30 sounded so OLD.  Now that I'm actually here, I don't think there's anything old about 30.  In fact, I think this will be my best decade yet.  God has blessed me with so much.  I have a wonderful husband and a precious child- what more could I want?  

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Summer is finally here and ohhhh how great it is!  I am LOVING every minute of my full day with precious Lizzy.  This time with her is such a blessing.  She is such a little person now and is fun to be around! 

Lizzy is 16 months old today and is 100% all girl.  She's very in to hair bows and shoes right now.  She spends her day wanting to switch bows, add another on the other side, or change shoes.  It is very disappointing to her that she can only wear two shoes at a time!  It is very scary for her Daddy to see her already this in to accessories! 

This was really our first true week of vacation.  We've been going on a daily hour long walk with Mimi every morning to get in some exercise to start our day.  Then Lizzy and I have been doing at least one house project every day.  We are working on cleaning out, straightening up, etc.  Lizzy can be an excellent helper but is most helpful when she takes a long afternoon nap so Mommy can work a little faster! 

We are looking forward to more summer fun to come!  Tomorrow we are going to work on a Father's Day project for Daddy!
Lizzy enjoying her lazy boy chair Daddy gave her!