Monday, May 9, 2011
15 Months
Our sweet Lizzy is fifteen months old today! She had a great checkup with Dr Fitch and took her three shots like a champ- she cried for about 20 seconds, shot the nurse a dirty look, and then she was over it! She weighs 21 lbs and 13 ounces (30th %) and is 30 and 3/4 inches long (70th %).
For the past few nights Lizzy has had a really hard time going to bed- imagine 1.5+ hours of screaming- NON STOP! Each night I've waited it out for the first 35-45 minutes then gone in to try soothing her. It's ultimately ended each night with my driving her around in the car until she fell asleep. I could tell her molars coming in were really bothering her (she was pulling on her ears, grabbing her cheeks, running low fever, not eating much, etc). But, the bedtime situation was quickly escalating out of control. Gas prices are just too high to drive around that long! So, when we saw Dr Fitch today and she had a clean bill of health- no ear infections, sore throat, etc, he suggested Lizzy might be enjoying her nightly car ride touring the neighborhood a little too much.
I felt the best solution was a change in the routine- someone else needed to put her to bed- someone she knows means business. So, when Rob got home I explained his assignment for the night and he went straight to work "creating the scene" for the "perfect bedtime" routine. His routine did take a little longer than I thought was a good idea but, who am I to judge- my routine was clearly not working! When Rob left her room, there was screaming (LOUD SCREAMING) for a total of 12 minutes. TWELVE MINUTES compared to my NINETY! So, Rob, who now prefers to go by the Baby Whisperer" is planning to author a book on raising children. We can all look forward to that one!
On a different note, we had a great family weekend together and loved celebrating our Mimi and Honey yesterday! What a blessing our moms are to us and how honored I am that God chose me to be Lizzy's mommy. It's changed my life in a way I never could have imagined.
On that happy note- tonight at Bible study one of our good friends announced she's pregnant!!!!! We'd prayed so hard for a baby for them and she is now 3.5 months along!!! What a blessing and true testimony to God's abounding love for us! "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4
Ps- one more pic from this weekend- we had my cousin Elizabeth in town and she came to ride the train with us!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Busy Day
Lizzy and I had the best day together! We had a good long walk with our friend Lib this morning and during our walk Lizzy fell asleep for a quick nap. Since she slept this morning, I knew her afternoon nap would start later so I took the opportunity to pack her up and we headed to the Outlet mall! We needed a couple of things and wanted to look around at the J Crew while we were there.
I never had any doubts but it was 100% clear today that Lizzy is my child! She LOVED the outlet mall! She was so happy to be strolled while she ate her lunch and looked around at all of the people. We stayed for almost two hours and there wasn't an unhappy sound from her at all.
We headed home and played a little bit and then she took a good long afternoon nap. As soon as she woke up we headed over to see Mimi who had been out of town all weekend. To top off our great day, Aunt Lizzy came over for dinner!
It continues to amaze me what a little person Lizzy has become. She was eating up all of the attention the store ladies were giving her and she'd wave "bye bye" to each of them as we left.
As far as the house goes, still no bites. Neither Rob, nor I, am worried about it. We'd love to move to the house we've picked out but know that it's not something we want to push God's timing. We are awaiting His plan and will see where that leads us.
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for checking in on us!
I never had any doubts but it was 100% clear today that Lizzy is my child! She LOVED the outlet mall! She was so happy to be strolled while she ate her lunch and looked around at all of the people. We stayed for almost two hours and there wasn't an unhappy sound from her at all.
We headed home and played a little bit and then she took a good long afternoon nap. As soon as she woke up we headed over to see Mimi who had been out of town all weekend. To top off our great day, Aunt Lizzy came over for dinner!
It continues to amaze me what a little person Lizzy has become. She was eating up all of the attention the store ladies were giving her and she'd wave "bye bye" to each of them as we left.
As far as the house goes, still no bites. Neither Rob, nor I, am worried about it. We'd love to move to the house we've picked out but know that it's not something we want to push God's timing. We are awaiting His plan and will see where that leads us.
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for checking in on us!
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